In English


Bertil Karlefors, born 1954, is an experienced TV-producer/correspondent now based in Stockholm. As a child he lived three years in Ethiopia and one year in Algeria. He started his journalism career with Swedish “state televisions” news programme, Aktuellt 1978.
1983 he was appointed correspondent to the middle east. He covered, among many other events, the Israeli invasion and the following war in Lebanon. The Iran-Iraq war, the Palestinians uprising against the Israeli occupation, the American attacks against Libya, Karlefors was based in Jerusalem for 3,5 years.

1990 he was one of the founders of the news organization in the new TV4, the first commercial TV-station based in Sweden. A few years after the launch it was Swedens biggest TV channel. Karlefors was employed as foreign editor. But worked at the same time as correspondent in the Sovietunion/Russia. He was there between 5-8 times a year and covered the coups 1991 and 1993, the painful transition from socialism to some kind of capitalism and the war in Chechnya.

1996 Karlefors was appointed European correspondent based in Paris.

2003 he was chosen as the new TV4-correspondent in North  America based in NYC. Karlefors stayed in NYC for 6 years and covered among many things two presidential elections.

Between foreign assignments, when in Stockholm, Karlefors has been deputy head of news, head of planning and head of the morning show.

Karlefors is now working halftime for TV4 news and halftime for his production company – Svartsö-NYC Bertil Karlefors Media AB.

He is available for freelance assignments in Sweden and has access to equipment and personal for TV-production.

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Reporter based in Stockholm and freelance projects for own media production company 2009-
US-correspondent based in New York 2003-2009
Head of morning show, Nyhetsmorgon 2001-2003
Deputy head of TV4 News 1996-2001
Correspondent based in Paris 1996-1998
Foreign editor and correspondent Soviet Union/Russia based in Stockholm 1990-
Joined TV4, the first commercial TV station based in Sweden 1990
Work experience TV4:
News editor 1987-1990
Middle East Correspondent, based in Jerusalem 1984-1987
Foreign news reporter 1978-1984
Swedish state television news Aktuellt 1978-
Work experience SVT:
Stockholm University, journalism 1977
Lund University, philosophy and psychology 1975
Senior High School, Dragonskolan, Umeå  1973
Lycée Descartes, Alger 1972
Swedish school Addis Abeba 1966-1969